"Dare to be Great!"
Robert Colt
Think about it for a moment. If you're an investor in a major film, series, or Broadway production you'd want a sizable return on your investment. After all, you're not investing in this project for fun and games. You're in show business to make money, a lot of it.
And you're willing to pay top dollar to great actors that are hired for your project.
I can already hear you saying,
"Yeah, but they want name actors who are great actors."
And I would agree with you.
And this is a BIG but.
Most name actors become name actors because they're great actors.
And these great actors became great actors by being dedicated to excellence in their craft and an intense drive for greatness!
"Great acting does you!"
Robert Colt
If you have genuine talent, a passion for truth, and trust what I call the MASTER KEY to acting, you will achieve the GREATNESS you were born for.