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"Don't get it right. Get it real."
 Robert Colt


What is The ZEN of NOT Acting?

​Our approach is about being exactly

where you are in any given moment and responding spontaneously, truthfully,

and unapologetically to what IS

actually happening.

No planning ahead, no manipulating,

and no chasing results you think you “should” achieve based on the text.

Speaking of "shoulds,"

eliminate them entirely

because ALL "shoulds" are... 


Instead, The ZEN of NOT Acting

teaches you to let go of preconceived ideas and trust the moment as it unfolds.​

How is this the key to The ZEN of NOT Acting?


How can you know what's going

to happen until it happens?

Acting, like life, unfolds unpredictably, one moment at a time. The actor who DARES to ride the waves of the unknown has no choice but to be unpredictable, and that's where the magic happens.

This approach naturally fosters trust in yourself and trust in your instincts.

It empowers you to go with what IS, while being spontaneous, unapologetic,

and alive in your actions and responses.

Through this, you'll discover

truthful, unforgettable moments

that can only be described as...

the zen of not acting.

Ready to unlock your truth and transform the way you play?


Whether you’re in Los Angeles for in-person classes or joining online via Zoom, you’ll experience the freedom, spontaneity, and power of being completely present.

Robert _Bob_ Wisdom.jpeg


"Robert's mission is to bring out the character you are ready to be. It's big canvas coaching. You will grow as an artist and be thrilled by the process. He's not a hand holder but meets the ripe, mature actor who is willing to find his/her wings. I've loved working with him. We are born to do what we do...but Robert helps us be what we are meant to be. As the great high wire artist Philippe Petit once said, 'Limits exist only in the souls of those who do not dream.' Robert Colt works in places where our dreams meet light...then we layer by layer embody what we are meant to be. For me he's helping me shimmer like a harp, vibrating, I don't ask why...I find that fucking exciting"


Robert Wisdom, Actor

 "Barry" "The Alienist"  "Ballers" "The Dark Knight Rises"

"A true nothing is far more powerful than a false something."

Robert Colt

Class Times
Thursday (In person)

 Friday (Zoom Class) 

"An old pond,
A frog jumps in:


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